I have put Kyle's flight and his talk information at the end of this letter in case some of you didn't get it the first time. We hope we might see you there if you are in town.
Love Pat and Dennis
Wow. I don't even know where to start.... I really won't worry about telling you about what happened this week for 2 reasons.... 1. it rained ALL week long so that often means that not too much has happened and 2. I really have just been reflecting on everything lately and would rather talk about how I feel right now.
Seriously, I can't believe these two years are almost done and that I'll be coming home next Tuesday. I seriously can't even believe it!! It's just so crazy to comprehend that everything is coming to an end... But on the brighter side of things, I'm SO ready for a nap! hahahah These two years have definitely taken their toll on me but I'm still staying strong!!!!
First off, I just want to say thanks to everyone who has helped me on this journey. Whether you've written me every week, once a month, once while I have been on my mission, or those who just "meant" to write but never got around to it :) Really, just the fact that you've been thinking about me means the world to me and has helped me out in everything I have done while I have been here. I cant tell you guys how HARD these last 2 years have been.... health issues, the weather, discouragment and everything else! But they have definitely been the greatest two years. I've learned so much!!!! Something that I like to say is, that maybe these haven't been the best 2 years OF my life, but they have definitely been the best 2 years FOR my life. I can't doubt that at all!
These past two years I've learned SO much. First off, I learned Spanish and now I'm FLUENT!!! If you haven't noticed, my english isn't too great anymore:) I vividly remember walking into the MTC on July 11, 2012 and I got to my class and just freaked out because I couldn't understand what they were saying to me! and now to think that when I come home, It's going to be the same kind of feeling to hear english again! So please speak to me in spanish if you can ;)
I've also learned how to have patience. Being a missionary isn't the easiest because you are literally glued to your companion 24/7. It's HARD!!! Especially when you two don't get along the greatest which really happens more than you think. But now, I know how to be friends with anyone and I try to understand their point of view. "The only people you don't like are the people you don't know yet." that's been my motto for sure. I'm so grateful for this opportunity to be able to reflect on all the companions I've had and everything that I've learned from each and every single one of them!! It's been great. I've had companions from all over South America so my future trips are going to be great!
I've also developed a true love for the people here in Chile and the people that I've been teaching. These last 2 weeks have been crazy for me and full of emotion. I'm SO excited to come home but I'm going to miss the people here so much!! I literally cry like every night just thinking about the great friendships I've made here that I know will last forever. I'm so grateful for the people here and their humility in everything they do and their desire to help us.
I've also learned how to live after the mission. I've learned to cook food from many different countries, how to budget my income, how to clean a house and how to run away from rabid animals and crazy people trying to throw rocks or trash at us:) Who knows this just might come in handy at some point!
But I think the biggest change that I've noticed while being here on my mission is how I left as a young kid and now I feel like I am coming back with so much experience under my belt!! It's incredible how things have changed. I'm still the same old KYLE as before.... but there definitely is something different about me. I've learned that this church really is true and that the gospel is the only way for us to truly be eternally happy. I'm so grateful for this gospel that we all have the chance to have it in our lives. I for sure know it's all true and can't wait to keep sharing it throughout my life!!! I've seen this message that I've shared millions of times, change the lives of people 360 degrees... yes, I've baptized a few people here and there but let me just say, It's SO great to know that I'll at least have 1 REAL convert as a result of my mission. This convert may have been the hardest one to teach, took the longest time to teach him, went through the most problems, AND was the most stubborn, but he's never going to fall away. And that convert is me.
Thanks so much for everything everyone. I love you all SO much and well, next time you'll hear from me, I'll just be Kyle again :) See you all next Tuesday if if you can make it to the airport, if not, I'll be talking to you all soon! Love you all a ton and have a GREAT week!!! I know I will :)
Love, Kyle
Here is his return information once again if you need it:
Arrival on Tuesday June 17th in San Francisco @ 10:19 am
Delta Airlines flight 2349 - Terminal 1
Report of his mission to Chile
Sunday June 29th @ 10:00 am
Los Altos Ward Building
190 Jordan Ave.
Los Altos, CA 94022
Here are a couple of pictures he sent home this week. I think we better check his luggage to make sure the lab puppy is not hidden inside. Also a final picture with Pres. and Sister Essig!